Disciples for Christ International Ministry

C. Paul Wooderson

August 2022

 John 6:25-33

6:25-26 – “Rabbi, when did you come here?” Jesus answered them, “Most certainly I tell you, you seek me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves, and were filled.” Their motive was inexcusable. They “sought Him not because they saw signs which could lead them to faith” (The Moody Bible Commentary). They should have realized God was the One who gave them bread.   

6:27Don’t work for the food which perishes, but for the food which remains to eternal life. Physical hunger can only be satisfied by physical food, but spiritual hunger will never be satisfied by physical food. The Jews were only interested in physical satisfaction. One kind of food perishes. The other kind of food lasts eternally. The manna in the wilderness lasted only a day (Read Exodus 16:19-21). For God, the Father has sealed him. “Sealed” means “has solemnly attested (seriously or genuinely) confirmed the statement “God is true” (Word Studies in the New Testament). God sealed the Son as the giver of eternal life.”

6:28-29 – They said therefore to him, “What must we do, that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” “When Jesus said, “the works of God,” the Jews immediately thought of doing good works. They believed if they lived a good and moral life, they could earn God’s favor. “The work which God (wants us to do is) to believe (to be persuaded of or to trust) in Him who God has sent” (William Barclay). The Apostle Paul says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and not that of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works (Ephesians 2:8-9).

6:30-31 – What then do you do for a sign, that we may see, and believe you? The skeptics had seen Jesus’ previous signs. The question made it clear they were spiritually blind. For many, the feeding of the multitude marked Jesus out as the second Moses (Read 6:14), but the skeptics wanted more evidence.

6:32-33 – Jesus said, I tell you, it wasn’t Moses who gave you the bread out of heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread. The bread given by Moses in the wilderness was temporal.  Jesus said His Father gives you the true heavenly bread. The bread of God that gives life to the world.

The feeding of the five thousand should have been a sufficient sign to show Christ’s deity (divinity). But the skeptics demanded that Jesus had to do more if they were to believe in Him.


        -All Scripture passages are based on the World English Bible (WEB)-

Email address: walnutave1234@comcast.net

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 John 6:35-40

Can we know for sure that we have eternal life and a home in heaven someday?

6:35 – I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will not be hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. In this verse, the words “hungry” and “thirsty” are symbolic of physical hunger and physical thirst. He is in himself the giver of life and sustains life in such a way there is no unsatisfied desire that remains to frustrate the believer. If we take the spiritual food Jesus offers, we will come to believe (to be persuaded of, to place confidence) in Him. And he who

believes in me will never be spiritually thirsty. In the Greek language, there is an emphasis on “will not be hungry’ and “will never be thirsty.” It is evident that eternal life is permanent.

6:36 –You have seen me, and yet you don’t believe. The multitude saw Jesus feed the 5,000+, but they did not understand the true significance of it. They did not come to Him with the kind of belief that was necessary. 

6:37 – All those who the Father gives me will come to me. His desire is expressed in John 3:16For God so loved the world (all mankind), that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes (to be persuaded of, to place confidence) in him should not perish but have eternal life. “Him who comes to me I will in no way throw out” is about how He will keep people who believe in Him.

6:38 – Christ’s purpose in coming to earth was to do the will of the Father who sent Him (Read John 4:34;5:30;8:29).

6:39 – For whom he foreknew (Romans 8:29). “Not a reference simply to God’s omniscience (knowing all things) – that in eternity past He knew who would come to Christ. It speaks of a predetermined choice to send His love on us established an intimate relationship – or his election” (John MacArthur). The last day refers to the resurrection and the final judgment (The Moody Bible Commentary).

6:40 – everyone who sees the Son and believes in him, should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. “Verse 40 emphatically repeats verse 39. No clearer verses can be found that affirms the ultimate safekeeping of the believer. Our eternal security depends on Jesus fulfilling the will of the father, which he will never fail to do” (The Moody Bible Commentary).This verse emphasizes human responsibility in salvation. Although God is sovereign (supreme in power and authority), He works through faith, so that a man must believe in Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God who alone offers the only way of salvation (Read John 14:6). However, even faith is a gift of God” (Read Romans 12:3; Ephesians 2:8-9).

                                        To His believers Jesus says,


          -All Scripture Passages are based on the World English Bible (WEB)-

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 John 6: 41-57

The Jewish people were bewildered when Jesus claimed He was the bread that came down out of heaven. They objected because they knew His parents, and they lived in the same neighborhood. They knew Jesus in His growing-up years.

6:41The Jews, therefore, murmured concerning him, because he said, “I am the bread which came down out of heaven.” The unbelieving Jews in the synagogue and the unbelieving Galileans were angry when Jesus placed himself equal to God. But Jesus taught in an ordinary language about the bread of life.

6:42 – Isn’t this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know?  They couldn’t believe that Jesus could have come down out of heaven. This verse is a reminder of John 4:44 – For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.

6:44Jesus said, No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. Everyone who hears the message of Christ should be drawn (Read John 12:32), “but that drawing does not last forever” (John 12:40). -The Moody Bible Commentary- God’s Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, but we must put our faith in Him. For God so loved the world (humanity), that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes (not just to admit it mentally, but to be persuaded and put your confidence) in him should not perish (to die spiritually) but have

eternal life (John 3:16).

6:45-46 – “Jesus paraphrased Isaiah 54:13 to support the point that if someone comes to faith and repentance to God, it is because they have been ‘taught’, and hence drawn by God (The Interpreter’s Bible).

6:49-50 – Your fathers were the rebellious Israelites who ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. Jesus said directly that anyone who eats this “living bread” will live (spiritually) forever.   

6:51-52 – Jesus said, I am the living bread which came down out of heaven. To eat a man’s flesh is disgusting, but to God so is sin. Not understanding what Jesus meant, the unbelieving Jews said, how can this man give us his flesh to eat? They did not understand the spiritual illustration (Read 1 Peter 2:24).

6:53-57 – Jesus said, He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. The message is symbolic of our need for Jesus and to accept His death on the Cross. The unbelieving Jewish people couldn’t accept their Messiah would be crucified on the Cross (Read Acts 17:2-3). When Jesus arose from the grave, He proved that He had power over death and Jesus has the power to give us eternal life.




             -All Scripture Passages are based on the World English Bible-

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Juan 6:25-33

6:25-26 – “Rabí, ¿cuándo viniste aquí?”Jesús les respondió:  “Ciertamente les digo, me buscan, no porque vieron señales, sino porque comieron de los panes y se llenaron.Su motivo era inexcusable. Ellos “no lo buscaron porque vieran señales que pudieran llevarlos a la fe” (The Moody Bible Commentary). Deberían haberse dado cuenta de que Dios era El que les dio el pan.  

6:27 – No trabajes por el alimento que perece, sino por el alimento que permanece hasta la vida eterna. El hambre física sólo puede ser satisfecha por la comida física, pero el hambre espiritual nunca será satisfecha por la comida física. Los judíos eran solamente interesados en la satisfacción física. Un tipo de alimento perece. El otro tipo de comida dura eternamente. El maná en el desierto duró sólo un día (Leer Éxodo 16:19-21). Para Dios, el Padre lo ha sellado. “Sellado” significa “ha atestiguado solemnemente (seria o genuinamente) confirmada la afirmación “Dios es verdadero” (Estudios de la Palabra en el Nuevo Testamento). Dios selló al Hijo como el dador de la vida eterna.”

6:28-29 – Por lo tanto, le dijeron: “¿Qué debemos hacer, para que podamos obrar las obras de Dios?Jesús les respondió: “Esta es la obra de Dios, que creáis en aquel a quien Él ha enviado.“Cuando Jesús dijo: “las obras de Dios”, los judíos inmediatamente pensaron en hacer buenas obras. Creían que si vivían una vida buena y moral, podrían ganarse el favor de Dios. “La obra que Dios (quiere que hagamos) es creer (ser persuadido o confiar) en Aquel a quien Dios ha enviado” (William Barclay). El apóstol Pablo dice: “Porque por gracia habéis sido salvos por la fe, y no por la de vosotros mismos; es el don de Dios, no de las obras (Efesios 2:8-9).

6:30-31 Entonces¿ Qué haces por una señal, para que podamos verte y creerte?  Los escépticos habían visto las señales anteriores de Jesús.  La pregunta dejaba claro que eran espiritualmente ciegos. Para muchos, la alimentación de la multitud marcó a Jesús como el segundo Moisés (Lea 6:14), pero los escépticos querían más evidencia.

6:32-33 Jesús dijo, te digo, no fue Moisés quien te dio el pan del cielo, sino que mi Padre te da el verdadero pan. El pan dado por Moisés en el desierto era temporal.  Jesús dijo que Su Father te da el verdadero pan celestial. El pan de Dios que da vida al mundo.

La alimentación de los cinco mil debería haber sido una señal suficiente para mostrar la deidad (divinidad) de Cristo. Pero los escépticos exigían que Jesús tuviera que hacer más si querían creer en Él.


                          ANTES DE QUE USTED CREA EN ÉL?

-Todos los pasajes de las Escrituras se basan en la Biblia Mundial en Inglés (WEB)-

Dirección de correo electrónico: walnutave1234@comcast.net

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Juan 6: 41-57

El pueblo judío estaba desconcertado cuando Jesús reclamó Él era el pan que descendía del cielo. Se opusieron porque conocían a Sus padres, y vivían en el mismo barrio. Ellos conocieron a Jesús en Sus años de crecimiento.

6:41Los judíos, por lo tanto, murmuraron sobre él, porque él dijo, “Yo soy el pan que bajó del cielo”. Los judíos incrédulos en la sinagoga y los incrédulos Galileos estaban enojados cuando Jesús se puso igual a Dios. Pero Jesús enseñó en un ordinario lenguaje sobre el pan de


6:42 ¿No es este Jesús, el hijo de José, cuyo padre y madre conocemos?  No podían creer que Jesús pudiera haber bajado del cielo. Este versículo es un recordatorio de Juan 4:44 – Porque Jesús mismo testificó que un profeta no tiene honor en su propio país.

6:44Jesús dijo: Nadie puede venir a mí a menos que el Padre que envió me atraiga. Todos quien escuche el mensaje de Cristo debe ser atraído (Lea Juan 12:32), “pero ese dibujo sí no dura para siempre” (Juan 12:40). -El Comentario Bíblico Moody- El Espíritu Santo de Dios nos

condena de pecado, pero debemos poner nuestra fe en Él. Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo (humanidad), que dio a su único Hijo que quien cree (no sólo para admitirlo mentalmente, sino para ser persuadido y puesto su confianza) en él no debe perecer (para

morir espiritualmente) sino tener vida eterna (Juan 3:16).

6:45-46 – “Jesús parafraseó Isaías 54:13 apoyar el punto de que si alguien llega a la fe y al arrepentimiento a Dios, es porque han sido “enseñados” y, por lo tanto, atraídos por Dios (La Biblia del Intérprete).

6:49-50 – Tus padres eran los israelitas rebeldes que comían el maná en el desierto, y murieron. Jesús dijo directamente que cualquiera que coma este “pan vivo” vivirá (espiritualmente) para siempre.   

6:51-52 – Jesús dijo: Yo soy el pan vivo que descendió del cielo.  Comer la carne de un hombre es repugnante, pero para Dios también lo es el pecado. Al no entender lo que Jesús quiso decir, los judíos incrédulos dijeron, ¿cómo puede este hombre darnos su carne para comer?  No entendían la ilustración espiritual (Lee 1 Pedro 2:24).

6:53-57 Jesús dijo: El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre tiene vida eterna, y yo lo resucitaré en el último día.  El mensaje simboliza nuestra necesidad de Jesús y de aceptar su e en la Cruz. El pueblo judío incrédulo no podía aceptar que su Mesías sería crucificado en la Cruz (Lea Hechos 17: 2-3). Cuando Jesús se levantó de la tumba, demostró que tenía poder sobre la muerte y Jesús tiene el poder de darnos la vida eterna.

                                                        ¿CONOCES A JESÚS COMO TU SALVADOR Y SEÑOR?

                                                  SI NO, CONFIESA TUS PECADOS A ÉL E INVÍTALO A TU VIDA.

                                         ¡ENTONCES SU ESPÍRITU SANTO TOMARÁ RESIDENCIA EN TU ALMA!

                                   -Todos los pasajes de las Escrituras se basan en la Biblia Mundial en inglés (WEB)-

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