John 6:48
God did many wondrous things for the Israelites on their way to the Promise Land. For instance, He split the water of the (Red) Sea). He made the sea dry land so they could escape the Egyptian soldiers who were pursuing them. In the daytime, He protected them with a cloud, and at night He led them with a light of the fire. He split rocks in the wilderness so they could drink abundantly. He sent manna down from heaven when they were hungry. Yet, they sinned against God because of their lack of belief in Him. God had to perform marvelous works before the Israelites believed in Him (Read Psalms 78: 12-20). Some of the Israelites never entered the Promise land. Instead, they died in the wilderness. Is it possible some professing Christians in today’s world are like the Israelites who lived in the wilderness?
Jesus said I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE (John 6:48).
(The First of the Seven I AMs)
In John 6:35, Jesus says, He who comes to me will not be hungry, and he who believes (puts confidence in or trust) in me will never be thirsty. Jesus is not only the living bread in contrast to perishable food; he is the life-giving bread, delivering those who receive him from the power of death. The manna could not achieve that for those who ate it in the wilderness.
In John 6:27, Jesus says, don’t work for the Food which perishes, but for the Food which remains to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For God, the Father has sealed him (meaning “authentication by God in sealing the Son of God as the Giver of eternal life”).
The eternal life Jesus offers is not just a life immortal. It is “freedom from all the evils of this present world and active of worshipping God in fellowship with His Son their Savior (Young’s Bible Dictionary). This spiritual life is maintained by Him and safeguarded from the intimidation or threat of death
Some religions say to receive eternal life certain “works” must be done. The Pharisees believed certain works must be done to be right with God. All we must do to become a Christian is to believe in Him. We still are sinners. When God’s Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, we have a choice to make. Are we going to seek His forgiveness? To enjoy the benefits of salvation on this earth we must live in harmony with Him.
Psalm 78 is a sad poem that tells us our Old Testament ancestors had a short memory. They easily forgot the mighty works God did in the wilderness. The Israelites who refused to enter the Promise Land did not believe in God’s promise. They remained in the wilderness and died.
Here on earth, Jesus Christ can give us a kind of peace and joy within that passes all human understanding. What is the requirement? We must give Him total control of our lives.
Do you want to experience that peace and joy Jesus can give you or do you want to “remain in the wilderness and die?”
-All Scripture passages are based on the World English Bible (WEB)-
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