Disciples for Christ International Ministry

C. Paul Wooderson

John 4:25-30

v.25 – “I know that Messiah comes; he is called Christ. When he has come, he will declare to us all things. The Jews, as well as the Samaritans, looked forward to the Messiah’s coming.

v. 26 – “I am he, the one who speaks to you.” Jesus was careful about declaring Himself as the Messiah to the Jewish people. Regarding the Messiah, they had a grossly ignorant political and militaristic view. The Jews had this view in mind when they came around him and said to him (Jesus), “How long will you hold us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly (John 10:24).

v. 29 – “Come, see a man who told me everything I did. Can this be the Christ?”  

The impact Jesus had on the Samaritan woman was astounding. She was excited about her life-changing experience with Christ. The Samaritan woman was so eager to return home that she forgot her waterpot. She could hardly wait to tell the very people she had avoided because of her reputation. The Samaritan woman could not keep the Good News to herself.  

F. F. Bruce says, “the waterpot is a parable (moral story) of the renunciation (rejection) of the old ceremonial, practiced by Jews and Samaritans alike, on the part of those who through faith in Christ has received the divine gift of eternal life.”

v. 30 – They went out of the city and came to him. The Samaritan woman’s testimony greatly impacted the townspeople. They wanted to see Jesus.

I remember a woman who wanted me to pray for her husband because he was not a Christian. She told me that for twenty-one years, she had prayed for him. It seemed unlikely her husband would ever become a Christian. On my first visit to their home, I sensed he was not comfortable with me present. We became good friends. Eventually, the time came when I could talk to him about spiritual things. In a revival meeting, he accepted Jesus as His Lord and Savior. He became born again.

My friend’s born-again experience and the Samaritan woman’s born-again experience are a reminder that no one is beyond the hope of salvation. 

-All of the Scripture passages are based on the World English Bible (WEB)-

Email address: walnutave1234@comcast.net

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